
My partial colour-blindness defines my photography. I started with with a box brownie and 120 roll-film when I was about 10 years old. Then came wet-plate astrophotography, outdoor, landscape, wildlife and mountaineering photography. I had a Canon QL rangefinder and used Ektachrome slide-film.

Life in those days was 35mm photography done in the narrow confines of 24 or 36 frames. These days, filling a memory card feels lazy and undisciplined.

I miss the smell of darkroom chemicals and the slow deliberate experimentation with light, time and materials. It was a methodical and unforgiving discipline.

Digital arrived for me in 1998 using whatever I could afford. Serious digital started with a Canon G3. I love my Panasonic GF-1. Now it’s Nikon, GoPro, pinhole cameras and smartphones.